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A Message from the Parochial Vicar

"I was a stranger and you welcomed me." 

- Matthew 25:36


This is a great day! I know I speak for all the members of our Faith Community here at St. Francis and the members of our newly formed Family of Parishes, as we celebrate the opening of the Buffalo House of Hope in its new home here in the former sisters' convent on our parish grounds. It is a continuation of our mission of what began over 10 years ago here at St. Francis, welcoming those who have come from other countries who are fleeing difficult and sometimes dangerous circumstances, and who are seeking refuge, security and the possibility and hope of a new life for themselves and their families.


You might say the former sisters' convent's mission is "under new management." We have been working very hard with a number of dedicated individuals and groups who all share the same vision of seeing each and every person as a beloved child of God, inviting them to be a part of our family.  It has been awe-inspiring and so edifying to work with so many people who are so willing to share the resources of their time, talents and treasure.


While we are still at the infancy stage of this endeavor, I am sure with God's help, our prayers and our continued working together, we will be able to bring so much to those who might not have any other place to go. My hope and prayer is that we will continue what we have begun and be that beacon of hope for those who need us as we strive to fulfill Jesus' new commandment to love one another as we are loved by Him.



Fr. Ross M. Syracuse, OFM Conv

Parochial Vicar

St. Francis Parish



If you have any questions or have something to volunteer, please reach out.

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